Our Staff
Dr. Gianfranco Medri

From 1985 to 1990 he was Director of the analysis laboratory of the Mollusc Purification Centre in Marina di Ravenna.
From 1993 to 2008 he was Medical Director of the Wildlife Rescue Centre in Ravenna.
Since 1994 he is founded and medical director of the San Marco Veterinary Clinic and Pet Boarding Facility.
In 2006 he became a contributing author of the book “Mostrami il tuo cane e ti dirò chi sei”, Edizioni Moderna.
From 2007 to 2009 he was Medical Director of the Municipal Dog Pound of Cervia.
In 2009 he was co-author of the book “Caro micio ti scrivo”, Edizioni del Girasole.
From 2010 to 2016 he was Medical Director of the Municipal Dog Pound of Portoverrara (FE).
From 2013 he is being lecturer of provincial E.N.C.I. (Italian Kennel Club) courses for dog trainers.
In conjunction with the Bologna University, he is co-author of several scientific publications on wild animals.
Since 2003 he has been regularly writing informative scientific articles on the weekly magazine “Risveglio Duemila” and has been conducting a radio programme “La Telefonata al Veterinario” on Ravegnana Radio.
Since 1998 he is been a LIONS member of Club Ravenna Host
Since 1999, Assicurazioni Generali Independent Expert in Italy for zootechnical reports.
Since 2018, Medical Director of CESTHA (Experimental Centre for the Protection of Habitats) of Marina di Ravenna, Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre.
He is fluent english.
Dr. Viola Morisi

In 2007 she was an attending graduate at the Medical Clinic of the University of Bologna (supervisor Dr. Fracassi).
She has been working at the San Marco Veterinary Clinic and Pet Boarding Facility since 2008.
She is a member of SCIVAC (Italian Companion Animal Veterinary Association) since 2008.
In 2009 she attended courses in ultrasound scanning and echocardiography at the University of Camerino (Dr. Frugnanti) and the University of Perugia (Prof. Porciello).
In 2010 she completed the echocardiography course at the Gran Sasso Veterinary Clinic, Milan (Dr. Bussadori).
In 2012 she completed the echocardiography course at the Portoni Rossi Clinic (Dr. Castellito).
In 2014 she completed the echocardiography course in Opatija- Croatia (Dr. Boon and Dr. Venco) and the course in abdominal ultrasound scanning at the Poggio Piccolo Clinic, Castelguelfo (Dr. Camali).
She has attended numerous seminars held by Dr. Castellito and CARDIEC (Association of clinical veterinarian cardiologists and ultrasound scanners).
At the San Marco Veterinary Clinic she is involved in ultrasound scanning, cardiology and the medical clinic.
She is fluent in english.
Dr. Elisa Turci

She has been working at the San Marco Veterinary Clinic and Pet Boarding Facility since 2012.
In 2014 she completed a distance learning course in odontostomatology.
In 2014 she completed the theoretical and practical arterial pressure course held in Pavia by Dr. Luigi Venco.
In 2015 she completed the “Advanced Course in MLS Laser Therapy” in Vicenza, and attends all refresher follow-up courses held every six months.
Currently she works in odontostomatology, physiatry and laser rehabilitation for dogs and cats.
Good knowledge of the English language.
Dr. Serena Petroncini

From 2007 to 2011 she attended as an enrolled student the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences at the University of Bologna with a focus in internal medicine in general and, more specifically, in feline medicine (Tutor: Dr. Francesco Dondi).
From 2012 to 2013 she collaborated full time with the Veterinary Hospital of the Ozzano University (Bologna) as a shift doctor within the emergency room, intensive care and hospitalization units.
From 2013 to 2016 she attended the hands-on clinical training and the educational activity of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Services of the Bologna University (earlier as a graduated attendee, and later as a hired professional; Tutor: Dr. Noemi Romagnoli). Within the department, Serena was managing patients from the pre-anesthesia visit to the patient’s discharge.
Since 2017 she has been working at the San Marco Veterinary Clinic and Pet Boarding Facility as an anesthesiologist, managing the hospitalized patients and practicing internal medicine and intensive care.
In 2018 she became a member of SCIVAC (Italian Companion Animal Veterinary Association) and SIMIV (Italian Society of Veterinary Internal Medicine).
Serena attended several specialization and refresher courses and seminars from 2012 to 2018 offered by ANMVI and SIMIV, among others.
She is proficient in English.
Dr. Samanta Nardi

“A medical and surgical approach to glaucoma in dogs”.
Since 2018 she has been a doctorate student in Veterinary sciences, in the field of General Surgery for pets. During this period, she also attended the Veterinary University Hospital of Turin, under the supervision of Professor Paolo Buracco, and the Pisani, Carli and Chiodo Veterinary Centre, under the mentorship of Dr. Guido Pisani. She has worked as a freelance veterinary surgeon at a Veterinary Clinic, where she focused in particular on clinical medicine, surgery, anaesthesiology, ophthalmology and acute medical care for pets. Since 2019 she has been providing subsidiary teaching services for demonstrations in Veterinary Operative Medicine, Clinical Surgery, Veterinary Operative Medicine and Anaesthesiology and Clinical Surgery. She has held seminars on Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome for 5th year students of the Veterinary Medicine Degree Course.
She has co-authored publications in national and international journals, and international congress proceedings. She co-organised the international Convention “Animal Welfare: a transdisciplinary challenge in Veterinary Medicine” in 2020, where she also gave a talk entitled:
“Peri-operative management of patients with brachycephalic syndrome”.
In 2020 she also participated as a speaker at the 74th SISVET Convention, with a presentation entitled:
“Treating elongated soft palates in brachycephalic dog breeds: an alternative surgical technique”.
She has been a SCIVAC member since 2014 and a SOVI member since 2017. She has participated in numerous national (SCIVAC, UNISVET, SISVET, ATOVELP) and international congresses and courses (ECVO, ECVS) on ophthalmology and surgery. In June 2021 she completed the 7th itinerary in Ophthalmology and since May 2021 she has been an assistant for surgery courses organised by SCIVAC.
Dr. Emanuele Arnone

From 2015 to 2017 he attended as an enrolled student the Ophthalmology Services of the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences of the Bologna University.
From March to August 2017 he served as a graduated assistant at the Ophthalmology Services of the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences of the Bologna University, with Monika Jöchler as a supervisor.
Since August 2017 he has been working at the San Marco Veterinary Clinic and Pet Boarding Facility as an ophthalmologist and he is constantly attending refresher courses and seminars.
Since December 2017 he has been attending as an observer the Eye Veterinary Center “Fontane” of Dr. Dominico Multari in Lancenigo (TV).
In 2017 he became a member of SCIVAC (Italian Companion Animal Veterinary Association) and he attends its annual national congresses.
Since 2017 he is a member of SOVI (Society of Italian Veterinary Ophthalmology) and he attends its annual congresses.
In November 2017 he attended the “Learning day regarding the main causes of blindness for cats and dogs” at the Techno Science Park Center of San Marino.
In December 2017 he attended the SOVI’s meeting “Surgical techniques during canine and feline glaucoma” held at the Trecchi Palace in Cremona.
Currently, Emanuele is doing a year-long multidisciplinary internship at the Veterinary University of Bologna.
He is fluent in English.
Dr. Chiara Grisetti

From 2013 to 2016, as an intern she attended the G. Gentile University Veterinary Hospital at the University of Bologna, where she focused on nephrology and urology, clinical pathology and internal medicine (primary clinic, hospitalisation), tutor Dr. Francesco Dondi.
In 2017 she was awarded a 12 month Rotating Internship at the G. Gentile University Veterinary Hospital in Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO) (tutor Dr. Federico Fracassi), where she mainly operated in Internal Medicine.
From 2018 to December 2019 she was a Veterinary Surgeon scholar at the small animals clinic (SERCLIPA) and the veterinary pathology clinic (CLINLAB) of the Department of Veterinary Sciences at the University Veterinary Hospital in Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO) (tutor Dr. Federico Fracassi).
Author and co-author of publications in the scientific veterinary field.
Dr. Stefano Patroncini

He immediately developed a passion for surgery; in 2003 he began working with the “M.E. Miller” Veterinary Clinic, alongside Dr. GL. Rovesti, ECVS graduate, in the field of advanced orthopaedic and arthroscopic surgery; this collaboration is ongoing to this day.
Over the years he has nurtured his passion for soft tissue surgery, with a particular interest in minimally invasive and genitourinary surgery, which he puts into practice as a freelancer, working with different facilities. To this effect, he has attended numerous refresher courses, including one held at the Centre of Mini-Invasive Surgery ‘Jesús Usón’ (CCMIJU) in Cáceres, Spain (Advanced course in veterinary laparoscopic surgery; 8th Practical Course approach to endoluminal techniques and interventional radiology in veterinary medicine; Course on veterinary vascular micro and nervous surgery).
Since 2019 he has been working on contract at the M. Modenato Teaching Hospital of the University of Pisa, in the field of orthopaedic surgery.
He has co-authored publications on journals and in international congress proceedings.
Dr. Ilaria Severi

She has always been interested in animal behaviour and specialised in this area by completing numerous courses run by Scivac, which she joined in 2010, remaining a member for several years.
From 2012 to 2018 she worked at the Foschi e Perfetti Veterinary Clinic in Forlì.
In 2020 she resumed her collaboration with the San Marco Veterinary Clinic and Pet Boarding Facility, where she had worked for 3 years after her graduation.
In 2010 she attended the foundation and advanced course on didactic zooanthropology at SIUA (School of Human-Animal Interaction).
In 2012 she became a member of SIOV (Italian Society of Veterinary Homoeopathy) and completed the three year course in Veterinary Unicist Homoeopathy in Parma at the Society’s school.
From 2016 to 2018 she completed a 2nd level professional Master’s Degree in Behavioural Cognitive Zooanthropological Medicine at the University of Veterinary Medicine of Parma.
In 2020 she completed her educational path, qualifying as an Expert Veterinary Surgeon in Animal Assisted Intervention.
Dr. Giorgia Monti

From March 2017 to March 2018, as an intern she attended the surgery unit of the equine clinical service of the Department of Medical Veterinary Sciences at the University of Bologna (tutor Professor Alessandro Spadari), where she assisted in the examination and treatment of boarding patients, prepared operating rooms and surgical equipment. From April to June 2018 she was an attending graduate at the surgery unit of the equine clinical service of the Department of Medical Veterinary Sciences at the University of Bologna (tutor Alessandro Spadari).
In 2018 she qualified as an animal assisted intervention professional by attending the preparatory course for animal assisted intervention (AAI-Pet Therapy).
In 2021 she attended the foundation course for Expert Veterinary Surgeon in animal assisted intervention (AAI-Pet Therapy).
She has been working at the San Marco Veterinary Clinic and Pet Boarding Facility since September 2018.
Member of SCIVAC (Italian Companion Animal Veterinary Association) since 2019.
Dr. Gustavo Fadiga

From 1994, for four years he attended the Bagnarola Equine Clinic of Dr. Fabio Torre (initially as a student and then as a graduate), where he mostly worked in the fields of anaesthesiology, radiology and intensive care for hospitalised horses.
In the meantime he also dedicated himself to pet care: from January 1994 to December 2001 he was an associate at the 24 h Parco Reno Veterinary Clinic in Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna, where he focused in particular on first aid and emergency medical care, radiology, endoscopy, general surgery and orthopaedics.
After moving to Rimini, from 2002 he worked as a freelance veterinary surgeon, treating dogs and cats in the fields of endoscopy, general surgery and above all, orthopaedics, at different facilities, mostly in the Romagna and Marche regions.
Previously he has worked with Dr. Gian Luca Rovesti, above all in the field of arthroscopy; currently he runs periodic refresher day courses at the Vezzoni Veterinary Clinic in Cremona.
He has attended numerous general surgery and above all orthopaedics refresher courses and masterclasses, run by ESVOT, SCIVAC, AO- VET, SYNTHES, TRAUMAVET, KYON and others.
Since 1995 he has been a member of SCIVAC (Italian Companion Animal Veterinary Association) 1995 and, since their foundation, a member of SIOVET (Italian Society of Veterinary Orthopaedics) and SCVI (Italian Society of Veterinary Surgery); a member of ESVOT ( European Society of Veterinary Orthopaedics and Traumatology) since 1998; a member of AOVI (Italian Veterinary Orthopaedics Association) since 2018 and a member of AO since 2020.
He is FSA licensed for official hip and elbow dysplasia radiographies and official FSA reader for patellar dysplasia in dogs.
He has also been appointed by the Ministry of Agricultural Policies for foal production control in the provinces of Rimini and Ferrara.
Rag. Emanuela Frezzato

Margherita Medri

Anna Giulia Medri

As an Intellectual Property LL.M graduate with a business certificate from Columbia University in the city of New York, Anna Giulia is experienced in legally assisting European companies operating in the US market, providing a unique business perspective to her clients.
With experience in-house as well as at law firms, NGOs and consulting agencies, Anna Giulia focuses her work in the corporate and IP fields. While working as an attorney based in New York City, she has been providing legal support to the Clinic as its primary legal counsel.
Anna Giulia is fluent in English, Italian, Spanish and French.
Deborah Ferlini

Elisa Giorgi

ENCI (Italian Kennel Club) TRAINER
Giacomo Scoccia

He is a professional trainer with twenty years of experience as a official trainer.
Official ENCI trainer
He is founded and manager of GOLDEN DOG (ENCI recognised training centre),
He is a golden dog team leader.
Giacomo is an expert in behavioural rehabilitation of dogs with problematic character trait; he is also an expert educator of a pet dog.
Expert educator of pet dogs
GOLDEN DOG Team Leader in I.P.O competitions
He is ENCI – SACC – RCI endorsed professional
He is a behavioural Rehabilitation-Training Consultant – at the Municipal Dog Pound of Ravenna
He works as a lecturer at ENCI courses for dog trainers– Certification – Training Courses
Manager for the training of dogs for the disabled in collaboration with the San Marco Veterinary Clinic
Christian Asirelli

In 2012-2013 he attended and passed the final theoretical/practical exam in A.P.I.C.C. (professional association of dog trainers and consultants) Lecturers: Scanelli Daniela, Zaccarini Francesco and Arcostanzo Cristiano.
In 2013 he attended the training course on behavioural problems in dogs held by Dr. Renato Magliuolo (Veterinary surgeon specialised in ethology applied to animal well-being).
In 2013 he passed the ENCI Obedience Commissioner Course and was nominated ENCI Obedience Commissioner.
In 2014 he won the Italian Obedience Championship (with his dog Argo).
In 2014 (with his dog Argo), he was selected as a member of the Italian Obedience National.
In 2014 he participated in the World Championship, Helsinki and was awarded second place individually and third place in the team competition as member of the Italian National Team.
In 2014 he became Obedience Champion of Finland.
In 2015 he competed in the World Championships in Turin where, with his dog Argo, he was selected for the finals and achieved fifth place (over 100 participants) with the Italian National Obedience Team.
He regularly participates in refresher courses in Obedience with the best Italian and Finnish instructors including: Silvia Cacciatore, Valentina Balli, Jessica Svanljung, Nina Manner, etc.